Page 3 - Berita Sunway - Issue 71
P. 3

From the Chairman’s Desk


                                                    Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah AO
       I                                      Similarly, the goal is to increase profits before tax
          hope you are keeping safe and well. With the
                                              from the current RM1 billion to RM3.5 billion
          arrival of the vaccines, the new year offers
          a silver lining to the dark clouds of 2020. I
        sincerely hope the vaccines enable us to somewhat   a year by 2030. We are confident that with your
                                              support, we will be able to achieve these targets.
        resume our normal lives very soon.
                                              There were many notable achievements, successful
        I do not need to go into great detail here about the   ventures, collaborations and initiatives in 2020 by
        impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our world,   our business divisions. In line with our vision to
        our country and our company.          position Sunway City Kuala Lumpur as a living   SDG Academy, the  education arm  of the UN-
                                                                                    SDSN. The SDG Academy at Sunway University
                                              laboratory, we have embarked on several initiatives
        Before  I share some  brief  highlights  on how   aimed at generating real-world solutions in real   will play a fundamental role in Mission 4.7, a new
        Sunway Group did in 2020, let me just say this: I   time.                   global initiative launched by Pope Francis last
        am deeply humbled and very proud of how all of                              month.
        you rose to the challenge.            We are establishing an eco-system that promotes
                                              innovation and entrepreneurship.We are creating   Mission 4.7 seeks to accelerate the implementation
        I would like to express my gratitude for the   an environment that sparks imaginations and   of SDG Target 4.7 by all governments in the world.
        dedication and commitment of all of you who   interactions.                 The goal is to ensure that our youths acquire the
        are serving on the frontlines despite the potential                         knowledge, skills, values and attributes needed to
        risk that you face. The true spirit of Sunway   And we are fostering a sense of community that   achieve the 17 SDGs.
        shone through in all your efforts, generosity and   provides the social foundation for young talents to
        sacrifices.                           thrive. These include a three-party collaboration   The Jeffrey Cheah Foundation also celebrated
                                                                                    its 10  year anniversary in 2020. It marked the
                                              with Celcom and Huawei for the development
        This was reflected not only in our business   of smart solutions in several areas. They include   occasion by announcing plans to launch an
        sectors, but even more important, in the sharing   public safety and security, telehealth, e-learning,   endowment fund. The fund is targeted to exceed
        and  commitment  that  you  displayed  in  helping   hospitality, leisure and retail experience.  RM1 billion within the  next 10 years.  The
        our Sunway communities. As a business, the                                  endowment will chart a new path to expand the
        bottom line matters, of course. But as a company   We also partnered with Ecole 42, a French tech   Foundation’s contributions to nation-building
        dedicated to building a better world, your personal   school that breaks new grounds in education by   by focusing on quality education, research and
        and voluntary efforts in helping our communities   offering peer-to-peer learning with zero tuition   sustainable development. This includes establishing
        proved once again that we live up to our vision and   fees. Ecole 42 KL is set to play a major role in   professorial chairs at Sunway University.
        our aspiration.                       providing our young people with the skillset to
                                              thrive in a digital economy and the world of the   I would like to remind all of you again about our
        In short, we demonstrated that at Sunway, we do   Internet of Things.       core values of Integrity, Humility and Excellence.
        not just talk the talk. We also walk the walk. I have                       These values stood us in good stead over the years
        always said that one must have a higher purpose   Soon, we will launch the innovative Sunway   particularly in times of crises.  Upholding these
        in life. Your efforts showed me that you share this   FutureX  Farms. It  will be  Malaysia’s  first skills   core values will continue to keep us on the right
        ideal.                                building hub on urban farming innovations.   track in the years to come. These core values have
                                              FutureX Farms will be our inaugural venture   guided  me, not  only in my professional  career
        There are too many “Sunway Heroes” to list here.   into the agri-foodtech sector, and marks our   but personal life as well. As I mentioned earlier,
        I wish to thank all of you for your contributions   contribution to Malaysia’s food security.   I also believe that each of us should have a higher
        and efforts. As with most businesses, the pandemic                          purpose in life.
        caused significant disruptions in our operations.   We will replicate many of these initiatives in our
        Fortunately, Sunway had already been moving   other townships in Malaysia, namely Sunway City   In my case, that purpose is to give back to society
        steadily towards digitalisation even before the   Ipoh and Sunway City Iskandar Puteri in Johor.  in an impactful and meaningful way. And to
        pandemic. We have since ramped up our efforts in                            encourage others to do so as well. My personal
        the digital transformation throughout the Group.  As you are aware, Sunway is deeply committed   motto, as most of you know, is: I aspire to inspire
                                              to advancing the 17 United Nations Sustainable   before I expire. And the best way to inspire is by
        I am proud to share that Sunway remains resilient   Development Goals. And, as such we continue to   not just doing the right things, but doing things
        during these trying times. Looking ahead, we plan   incorporate sustainable practices in all that we do.  right.
        to accelerate the recovery process across our 13
        business  divisions.  And  I  believe,  that  together,   In this context, I am particularly proud that Sunway   There is a Chinese proverb that says “It is better
        we will continue to overcome the challenges. Our   City Kuala Lumpur has been selected as one of   to light a candle than curse the darkness.” Thanks
        goal, as always, is to expand and grow Sunway   the three flagship United Nations Sustainable   to all of you, Sunway continued to light candles
        Group in the months and years ahead.    Development Solutions Network (UN-SDSN)   amidst the darkness of the pandemic in 2020.
                                              centres alongside New York City and Paris. The
        Recently, the Board and senior management   three global centres will oversee continent-wide   With the lessons we have learnt, we can look
        discussed our business strategy and goals for the   sustainable development initiatives for Asia, the   forward to 2021 with renewed confidence, spirit
        next decade. We agreed upon a set of targets we   Americas, and Europe as well as Africa respectively.   and hope.
        aim to achieve by 2030. These include increasing
        the Group’s current revenue of RM6 billion to   The UN-SDSN centre for Asia housed at Sunway   We are all in this together.
        RM20 billion a year by 2030.          University will also host the head office of the                        3
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