Press Release

Sunway Ramps up Relief Efforts for 8,000 Flood Victims

Sunway Ramps up Relief Efforts for 8,000 Flood Victims
Sunway City Kuala Lumpur,26 January 2021

Sunway Group has sprung into action by sending aid to communities displaced by severe floods in the east coast of Malaysia.

Amid surging COVID-19 cases across the country, it has been reported that at least six people had died and nearly 50,000 evacuated as torrential monsoon rains hit the east coast, touted by some as the worst flooding in half a century.

Sunway’s business units namely Sunway City Iskandar Puteri, Sunway Hotels and Resorts, Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, Sunway Malls, Sunway Pals as well as Sunway Pharmacy have come together under the #SunwayforGood initiative and rushed in providing several non-governmental organisations with aid.

From food to essential items including mattresses, antiseptic gels, bath towels and clothing, have been swiftly collected and will be delivered through several organisations including the Sultan Ahmad Shah Environment Foundation for its Taman Negara-Kuala Tahan Flood Aid Mission 2021, Malaysia Red Crescent Society for its Pahang, Kelantan and Johor flood aid missions.

The total aid of more than RM100,000 will reach beneficiaries across Johor; 250 families or 1,250 beneficiaries in Taman Negara-Kuala Tahan, Pahang; 600 families (3,000 beneficiaries) across Pahang; as well as 600 families (3,000 beneficiaries) across Kelantan.

Sunway Group deputy executive chairman Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M. Hashim said Sunway, as a corporation that cares, wants to extend help during this challenging period when communities are still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This relief was initiated due to rising floods in the country. With worsening COVID cases in recent weeks and the economy still in the doldrums, there is a dire need to assist those affected by floods in the East Coast and Southern region of Malaysia,” Razman, who also leads the #SunwayforGood initiative, added.

Deputy Chairman National Committee for Community Service & Health, Malaysian Red Crescent Datuk Hj Mohd Rashidi bin Hj Md Noh said the floods are worsening matters for communities still struggling from the impact of COVID-19.

“Every little help we get will make a difference during this difficult period. We are thankful that Sunway is doing its part in lending a hand,” he added.


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