Press Release

Sunway’s Festive Video Brings Hope to Children

Sunway's Festive Video Brings Hope to Children
Sunway City Kuala Lumpur,08 February 2021

Sunway has released its Chinese New Year video titled “Thriving in Shared Prosperity and Wisdom” that highlights the importance of quality education, a sense of hope and a brighter future for all.

Inspired by the real-life story of Chow Shenn Kuan, one of Jeffrey Cheah Foundation’s Sunway Special Scholarship beneficiaries, the video brought to life the lack of access of quality education among underserved children from bottom 40% (B40) income-group families.

The video follows the lives of two young girls, Shenn and Irene, with different family backgrounds. Their social disparity is highlighted by the everyday life routine of the girls and their families.

Despite their differences, the girls developed a strong friendship through their shared interests, learning from each other and most of all, sharing.

In welcoming a new year, “Thriving in Shared Prosperity and Wisdom” encourages everyone to lend a helping hand, as together we can create a brighter, inclusive and sustainable future for all.

The video was turned into animation due to the reinstating of movement control order which affected filming activity and physical shoot in Klang Valley.

As part of Sunway’s mission to contribute to nation building through quality education, healthcare and sustainable development, Sunway has pledged to build or refurbish 50 libraries nationwide by 2024 leading up to its 50th anniversary. The initiative, Sunway READ (Reading Enhances and Develops), will benefit students from the B40 communities as well as orphanages.

Sunway’s Corporate Responsibility is encapsulated in the #SunwayforGood initiatives that pledge to promote sustainability and social responsibility efforts through three areas namely education, healthcare, and community enrichment, aligned with Sunway’s commitment to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The video also features Sunway’s origami ornament which comes in Sunway’s exclusive New Year red packets. Origami, a traditional art of folding paper, enhances children’s learning skills and supports their mental concentration. Sunway’s New Year red packets design carries the same theme as the video signifying the double blessings of prosperity and wisdom. In line with Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Reproduction, the red packets are printed on eco-friendly paper and can be reproduced into origami.

“Thriving in Shared Prosperity and Wisdom” can be viewed on Sunway Group’s social media sites, namely Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and


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