
Our Sustainability Scorecard helps us to track our performance against our goals and targets. We integrated sustainability into Senior Management performance evaluations and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which are linked to remuneration.

Legend: Progress Tracking

On track and progressing steadily

Progress exceeds expectations

Progress exceeds expectations

2030 Targets2023 Performance

Building Energy Intensity (BEI)/Energy Use Intensity (EUI) should stay below the annual targets set for the respective business divisions starting from 2022.

(The business divisions should continue to stay below the BEI/EUI targets which will reduce by 3.5% to 4% on a y-o-y basis up to 2030 to align with the IPCC target of 45% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.)

Energy intensity targets and performance

At least 40% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030

(5% locally generated, 35% purchased from green sources/solar farms)

27,647 MWh (7%) of renewable energy was consumed

40% waste diverted from landfills by 2030

8% of waste diverted from landfills

To achieve a reduction of 10% in overall water intensity target for managed assets by 2030 (Baseline year: 2015)

The overall water intensity for managed assets increased by 16% from baseline

To reduce the Group’s reliance on municipal water supply by up to 50% through investment in alternative supplies and sources, thereby enhancing water security, by 2030

27% of water supply from non-municipal sources

To achieve at least five days of uninterrupted water supply from the onset of a water disruption event via a combination of onsite reserves and/or secured offsite supplies for all properties located within KL/Selangor by 2030

Four out of 14 of properties that are not located within Sunway City Kuala Lumpur (SCKL) can sustain themselves for at least five days during the onset of a water disruption event

All industrial property sites to be ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems)-certified by 2030

Six out of six Building Materials sites are ISO 14001:2015 certified and maintained their certification

All ongoing construction sites are ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems)-compliant

16 ongoing construction sites are ISO 14001:2015-compliant

2030 Targets2023 Performance
To review and initiate disclosures of Scope 3 emissions where relevant and applicable

Five out of 15 Scope 3 emissions categories have been disclosed

All suppliers to disclose in accordance with ESG standards and framework where relevant and applicable

In progress

2030 Targets2023 Performance
To not be higher than the first quadrant of the DOSH national fatality rate by 2030 (1.46 fatalities for every 100,000 workers)

Achieved a zero fatality rate

To reduce the occupational accident rate to 0.95 for every 1,000 workers, which is within quadrant 1 of the DOSH national accident rate, by 2030

Occupational accident rate of 4.36 for every 1,000 workers In

All business divisions (where relevant and applicable) to be ISO 45001:2018-certified and achieve OHS culture – Level 4 and above by 2030

  • Four (12%) of the sites are ISO 45001:2018-certified
  • 97% of the sites achieved ‘Excellent’ in compliance
  • 45% of the sites achieved ‘Platinum’ in Best Practice ranking
36 learning and development (L&D) hours per employee (EG1 and above)

40.6 learning hours per employee

2030 Targets2023 Performance
To reach out and support over two million beneficiaries from 2015 to 2030

1,257,285 beneficiaries impacted from 2015 to 2023

2030 Targets2023 Performance
To maintain our position in the top 10% of the Industry Classification
Benchmark (Real Estate) Supersector assessed by FTSE Russell

Maintained position in the top 10% of the Industry Classification Benchmark (Real Estate) Supersector assessed by FTSE Russell

To achieve and/or maintain low/negligible Sustainalytics ESG Risk ensure transparent communication of our initiatives. Rating by 2030

Achieved Negligible ESG Risk Rating by Sustainalytics

UN Sustainable Development

Goals (UN-SDGs)​

Sunway teamed up with various external partners to support the needs of the underserved and underprivileged communities.​
We packed 1.6 million meals with Rise Against Hunger Malaysia through the Sunway Food Bank initiative since 2014.​
We provided a sponsorship of RM1 million to support the Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF) to provide medical care and counselling to individuals with HIV.
We invested RM200,000 to set up, refurbish and purchase books for 20 libraries through Sunway READ programme.​
40% of Board of Directors in 2023 were women.
In 2023, we consumed more than 1.31 million m3 of water (equivalent to more than 524 Olympic-sized swimming pools) from the water treatment plant in Sunway City Kuala Lumpur.
We consumed 27,647 MWh of renewable energy in 2023, enough to power approximately 3,812 homes for a year.​
We provided employment to 11,828 people in 2023 (4,171 new hires).​
Sunway Xfarms has established 6 urban farms in the Klang Valley to expand and manage sustainable farms in close proximity to consumers.
We onboarded neurodiverse individuals with autism to support sustainable employment for persons with disabilities.
41 buildings and 2 townships have attained green certification as of 2023.​
We diverted 8% of our waste from landfills in 2023. .
We avoided more than 73,400 tonnes of CO2e since 2019 as we progress towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050.
In 2023, we released 21,000 sea bass in batches into the Pendas River to balance the ecosystem of the river.
Sunway townships are surrounded by at least 40% greenscapes and bluescapes with more than 272,000 trees planted.​
85% of our operations were assessed for bribery and corruption related risks​
Sunway Group and UOB Malaysia have inked a partnership to advance the net zero goal.
As a conglomerate, our various business divisions contribute to the achievement of all 17 SDGs.