Throwback to those MCO days when most of us WFH in our PJs…
So we ran a couple of internal contests to lift up our people’s spirit during MCO and here are the highlights.
Remember when rumours of an impending lockdown fueled Malaysians to panic buy?
Most flocked to the supermarkets to stock up on groceries and literally emptied the shelves. Soon afterwards, our Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that Malaysia would be in partial lockdown officially dubbed the Movement Control Order (MCO). What started off as a two-week measure was then extended to a nearly three-month – barring citizens from travelling overseas and shutting all businesses except those selling food and daily necessities in a drastic move to stem a surge in COVID-19 infections.

“This is the longest ‘holiday’ at home ever for all of us. I believe nature is giving a big lesson to mankind, and hope that we will appreciate life and giving back to mother nature once everything is back to normal again. Meanwhile, wear mask and stay safe.” – Tan Lye Hock, Sunway University
What an episode! Now with the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) in place, most of us have steadily embraced the new norm, adhering to precautionary measures to keep us safe.
Let’s do a little throwback to the internal contests that we ran to lift up our people’s spirit during those MCO days. Some of the submissions featured here are winning entries. Congratulations, peeps!
When asked to share their experience, lessons and photos of what they had been up to, here’s what transpired…
“The class of 2020 has taught me an extraordinary lesson. It’s called resilience. It can’t be taught in textbooks or exams. I get that showing up to a lonely computer screen for lessons is challenging. My students are merely 18 or near to it but they SHOW UP, every time.”
Kee Swee Keat, Sunway Education Group

“Rooftop trombone in the Age of COVID-19 – Facebook Live every day at 5pm.” – Don Bowyer, Sunway University
“Tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan mengajar kita untuk sentiasa bersyukur dengan kelebihan dan sabar menghadapi cabaran. Setiap kita melalui cabaran yang berbeza dan melaluinya kita memperoleh pengalaman yang mendewasakan. Jadikanlah tempoh ini untuk kita membuat kebaikan dan membantu mereka yang memerlukan. Bak kata pepatah, hidup kayu berbuah, hidup manusia biar berjasa.”
Teh Mysara, Group Human Resources

“Taking pride in all we do. Striving to deliver quality products and services. The guest might forget what we said, but they will never forget how we made them feel.” – Rishipal Singh, Sunway Resort Hotel
“Even with social distancing and our faces covered by masks, people are kind. As I was struggling to find a 50 sen coin for a supermarket trolley, with a long line of people behind me, a woman slotted in her coin for me. A simple gesture that warmed my heart.”
Vanessa Ting, Sunway Medical Centre Velocity

“While you stay at home and we stay at work for you… Happy, tired and a new experience – unforgettable MCO moments with these people.” – Farah, Sunway Medical Centre
“Having Baby Boomer parents who are still working but struggle with technology has upgraded my job portfolio to include being an IT consultant with lifetime free-trial and 24-hour service. This MCO has definitely provided me with More Career Opportunities.”
Claudia Cheah, Sunway Property and Facilities’ Management
“Pengalaman saya sepanjang tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) adalah melihat daerah sekitar saya lengang tanpa manusia seperti biasa.
Dengan adanya PKP, kami lebih banyak masa di rumah, secara tidak langsung dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan silaturrahim ahli keluarga.
Malahan saya juga dapat mempelajari pelbagai resepi masakan yang viral di media sosial.”
Siti Farah, Sunway Pyramid
Speaking of viral recipes on social media, we heard MCO had brought out the chef in our people! So we got them to showcase their culinary skills by sharing a photo of their most Insta-worthy homemade food with a caption!
Ready to feast your eyes?

Eleanor Choong, Sunway iLabs
What a cute teddy bear pancake to celebrate a dearest darling’s 6th birthday! Happy birthday, Eleanor’s little angel!

Chua Pei Zhen, SIP-Finance
Home baked cheese cake for Pei Zhen’s beloved mum on Mother’s Day.

Suria Kumar, Sunway Medical Centre
To Suria Kumar, orange represents happiness, creativity, attraction and success. He made this beautiful orange cake to attract positivity in his life. The secret ingredient is always love.
Of eating clean and guess the gibberish: “Prone agl e uogl”.
There you have it! A little throwback to those days when most of us worked from home in our most ‘glamorous’ pajamas, trying our hand at cooking, and reflecting on life. How are you adjusting to the new normal?
This article first appeared in Berita Sunway Issue 65